Saturday, December 6, 2014

Day 7: Getting Easier

Already after just seven days of consciously making an effort to be thankful, I am finding that it is coming more naturally and instead of just seeing something as a problem, I can look at it from the perspective of " well, I can be thankful that....."

Not so easy, is for me to remember to post my thankfulness on my blog each day, probably that is due to the fact that I have been out of the habit of blogging these past few years. Anyway, just a quick note today to record what I am thankful for:

  • I am thankful for my mum, who lives in Scotland; I speak with her each Saturday morning and I really appreciate the time we have to chat and catch up on what's going on in each others lives.
  • I am thankful to have met a few new people today at a business meeting we attended. I pray that the relationship can grow and be a blessing to them and me.
  • I am thankful for some time this evening with my daughter doing our nails together. It is fun to have teenagers!
Tomorrow is Sunday, I am looking forward to church and some other activities, see you then!


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