Monday, October 19, 2009

Warm Your Hearts and Home

Warm your home as you bake these yummy treats and warm the hearts of your family as you share special moments together on a cool day! Quick breads such as these are easy and inexpensive to prepare, and they will fill your home with a wonderful aroma. These recipes are also a great way to utilize an abundance of zucchini or apples at this time of year! Enjoy!

Zucchini Bread IV from I have made this bread quite a few times and my family loves it. It is especially good with some chocolate chips added!

Apple Bread also from This is also yummy, I had some Sweet Cinnamon Sprinkle from The Pampered Chef which I sprinkled on top before I baked it. Adding cranberries would be another nice alternative.

Make the most of it:

  • Be sure to serve up your family's favorite hot beverages - tea, coffee, hot cocoa, apple cider along with these breads.

  • Bake extra loaves to share with friends/ neighbors. A warm loaf of bread is a gift of friendship!

  • Bake extra and freeze some for another day.

  • Invite friends over to visit and share your freshly baked breads.

Have a great day!

Smart Mom


  1. Great tips! Thanks so much for the follow! Following you back. ;)

  2. I have never even heard of Apple Bread. It looks yummy. I may have to give it a try! Thanks for the follow, got you back:)

  3. Thanks for following Theta Mom and Clueless Mama! Welcome, I hope you enjoy!

  4. looks good! - thanks for following - following you back from twitter moms
