Friday, September 18, 2009

Health-saving tips!

No doubt there is an endless supply of tempting goodies in the grocery store and on restaurant menus, many of which are laden with fat, calories and unhealthy additives and preservatives. If you have a family you probably want what's best in terms of nutrition and taste for them, yet perhaps struggle with balancing a healthy diet with your busy lifestyle. Here's a few tips today to get your kids eating healthy choices:

  • Make healthy food convenient. Keep a bowl of fresh fruit on the counter top, readily available for quick, easy snacks. Prepare cut veggies ahead of time ready to pull out of the refrigerator for snacking.

  • Get the kids involved. Let them help pick out fresh produce at the grocery store, they love to weigh items on the scales too. Also, recruit their assistance in preparing food at home, my kids usually enjoy the meal more if they helped to make it.

  • Provide fruits and veggies as part of your meals on a daily basis.

  • Set a good example. Don't expect the kids to want veggies for a snack if you are always eating donuts!

  • Eliminate sodas and sugar laden beverages from your shopping list. There are many healthy, tasty alternatives nowadays. My top recommendation, however, is WATER!!!

  • If you need to lose weight, be smart about it. There are a multitude of weight loss programs out there. Be sure you get adequate nutrition, systems such as Herbalife offer balanced nutrition along with a weight loss plan.

  • Get moving. Find ways to be active. This year for my birthday my hubby and kids bought me a Wii and several fun games to workout with. I am not a gamer and my family knows it; they all like video games so it was kind of funny for me to get the Wii. Anyway, we have a great time. I love the Wii Fit and the Wii Sports Resort. Also good for a workout is EA Sports Active and Gold's Gym Cardio Workout. Whatever you choose, have fun and enjoy an improved fitness level.

Don't put off establishing good, healthy choices for you and you family. Start now!


Smart Mom


1 comment:

  1. Great article. I already do alot of what you mentioned above, but it is always nice to read it again and get the reminder!
